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Just as our genome is all about how we look, our Neurome as all about identifying the patterns of how we think and behave.  Underpinned by a revolutionary new theory of the brain and mind, after years of scientific research, clinical and personal experience, an important new understanding of how our brains determine our individual identity emerged   It is as valuable to appreciate ourselves, as our children, partner, family, employees and beyond; it's all about identifying individual talents and life potential, to enable better learning, choices improve confidence, communication and relationships.  Neurome goes beyond the usual personality type test to appreciate your brain too and provides a wellbeing monitor.




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The Detail

The Neurome interview is currently costed at just £55 per interview, being in the Beta phase and to make it accessible to as many people as possible.  It takes just 15 minutes.  The data is then processed by an algorithm and checked by the inventor.   If the data is consistent, a standard report will be sent to you by email.  This details neuro-cognitive skills, talents and tendencies, behaviours in and out of balance, and concludes with a summary. 

New Frontier Thinking

Please be aware that Neurome is an original invention, developed by an expert and moves away from traditional thinking, to bring a more personalised insight analysis. It is not a test, it does not rely on comparison to a standardised database, and does not follow the old concept of intelligence.  Neurome simply understands you, as an individual person, your natural underlying core processing power.  A simple interview relies on complete honest answers to then provide a remarkably accurate new appreciation of the self, to understand your mind and enable your life, and those of your loved ones. ; a simple fast track way to understand people, many find Neurome life changing.

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The Neurome Interviews are the sole intellectual property of the inventor and must not be copied, reproduced or used in any form in part or whole without the explicit written permission of the inventor.    © 2022  All rights reserved.

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